Call for presenters: “Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” Indigenous Foods Symposium

Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Indigenous Foods Symposium

The UW American Indian Studies Department and Na’ah Illahee Fund invite Individual, Panel, or Workshop abstracts for the “Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” Indigenous Foods Symposium to be held on May 1 & 2, 2020 at the University of Washington’s wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Intellectual House.

Submissions are due on January 20, 2020.

Sustainability events @ UW this week: Jan. 13-19

Sustainability events for Jan. 13-19

There are tons of events happening around the University of Washington. Each week, we'll highlight the top sustainability-related events across UW so you can quickly find the ones you're interested in. We also always have a full, comprehensive list of all campus sustainability events on our calendar. You can even subscribe to get weekly emails to keep up to date on all the sustainability events happening around UW.

This week's events include:

Green Lab spotlight: UW Tacoma's Environmental Chemistry and Hydrology Lab

UW Tacoma Environmental Chemistry and Hydrology Lab field team

The Environmental Chemistry and Hydrology Lab at UW Tacoma hosts undergraduate research projects with an emphasis on freshwater ecosystems, along with a long term Superfund project looking at metal contamination in water and organisms in local lakes. As a result of their environmental health related research, sustainability is at the forefront of the minds of the lab's researchers.

Green Lab spotlight: Molecular Information Systems Lab

Molecular Information Systems Lab (MISL) manager David Ward

The Molecular Information Systems Lab (MISL) located on the UW Seattle campus specializes in DNA data storage and DNA computation. As a Gold Certified Green Laboratory, sustainability has always been part of the lab's operation, a mindset lab manager David Ward (pictured) credits to being a part of the environmentally conscious Seattle culture.

UW EarthLab is looking for talks on equity and justice in environmental work

The UW EarthLab will be hosting a three-part quarterly public lecture and workshop series, aimed at starting a much-needed cross-disciplinary conversation on the question of "What does it mean to center equity and justice in environmental work?" This new EarthLab Salon designed to highlight expertise and leadership on this subject in the UW-wide community, especially among students. We hope to build a foundation of shared understanding, values, and language among participants and foster opportunities for a new cross-cutting community to connect and collaborate on shared interests.