Friday video: Traditional Native American Foods of Puget Sound

Long before Seattle existed, this area was home to Native Americans with deep knowledge of the abundant natural food resources of the area. This video, part of the Burke Museum's "Salish Bounty" project, shows what archeologists learned about traditional Coast Salish food from looking at 130 archaelogical sites in the area and talking with local tribal members.

For more information on the project, including recorded stories from tribal members, see   

UW Farm Stand opens today

Today and every Friday this summer the UW Farm will have a stand with fresh campus-raised produce for sale from 4 to 7 p.m.

The stand is off the Burke-Gilman Trail across from Gasworks Park, in the parking lot of the Fisheries Supply at 1900 Northlake Way. Each Friday you'll have the opportunity to pick up produce harvested that morning - perfect for stopping by on your way home for the weekend, or to enjoy in a nice picnic at Gasworks Park.

Keeping food real at UW

The Husky Real Food Challenge (HRFC) student organization wants to see UW reach 25 percent "real food" - local, ecologically sustainable, fair trade or humanely raised - by 2020. This week The Daily outlined the group's efforts.

The national Real Food Challenge organization tries to get campuses to have at least 20 percent real food, but since the UW is already near this goal, Husky Real Food Challenge is pushing for an even higher target.

Sean Notes | Cliff Mass in LA Times on Northwest as Climate Refugre

In an op-ed published in the LA Times titled "What do you get if you map coming climate disasters? Hello Pacific Northwest", columnist David Sarasohn interviews UW atmospheric professor Cliff Mass on the future of the Pacific Northwest serving as a refuge for Californians and others from across the country seeking relief from the impacts of climate change.