Sqwatch's Secret #4: Paperless Meetings

Meetings and paper go hand in hand – whether it’s passing out printed agendas or meeting notes. But, what if there was a way to transform the way meetings are conducted and at the same time, reduce the constant use of paper?

The best way is by replacing paper handouts with e-documents. Technology is everywhere! Get out your laptops, iPads, iPhones, or Android devices. Share agendas and other documents electronically before the meeting instead of printing them out. 

You can find more tips on the Green Office resources page

Help shape UW's Campus Master Plan

If you'd like to have a hand in determining the future development of the University of Washington campus, come out to the Campus Master Plan public meetings Oct. 14 and 15.

The public is invited to share ideas and comments on the next Campus Master Plan, and to comment on the scope of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be prepared to analyze potential environmental impacts of the plan. Your input will play a pivotal role in helping us shape the future of the Seattle Campus. 

Green Meeting tips

Meetings are a way of life at the University of Washington. Informational meetings, brainstorming sessions, presentations, planning meetings, staff huddles… the list goes on.

Meeting etiquette can be strongly ingrained into your office culture, but some UW offices are transforming the way meetings are conducted – whether it’s reducing paper use or introducing a new video conferencing system to eliminate unnecessary office trips.