We are now UW Sustainability

We are excited to share that UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability is now UW Sustainability! We updated our name to help us make better connections with the UW community while keeping sustainability as the focal point of our name and consistent with the University’s sustainability brand, “Sustainability: It's in our nature.”

Sustainability Events - Week of March 2nd

Here are some highlights from our Sustainability Events calendar for the week of March 2, 2015. If you know of any events which should be added, let us know.

If you'd like to get a weekly email of all the upcoming sustainability events, subscribe here. And we're always adding new events as we learn about them, so see all the details and any last-minute additions on the Sustainability Events calendar.

UW wins Green Cleaning Award

UW staffer placing "Compost paper towels" stickerThe University of Washington has been awarded the 2014 Grand Award for Higher Education in the Green Cleaning Awards by American School & University magazine. This is the third time the UW has been honored with a Green Cleaning Award - the university also won the Grand Award in 2007 and a Co-Grand Award along with the University of Georgia in 2010.